Friday, December 30, 2011
dangerous days
Posted by Vida at 9:18 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, December 6, 2011
Wednesday, November 30, 2011
Posted by Vida at 5:43 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, November 29, 2011
Monday, November 28, 2011
gendered tv stations
Off the top of my head, I said I wanted cupcakes, vampires, and porn.
I'd say, perhaps I need a tv station all of my own, but I KNOW there's people out there who'd join me.
I also like house programmes like Grand Designs and things like Misfits and Firefly and Stargate Atlantis. I've sort of stopped watching television in the last couple years, in favour of the internet, but part of me misses it.
What would your tailormade tv channel show?
Posted by Vida at 6:08 AM 0 comments
Friday, November 25, 2011
Monday, November 21, 2011
Thursday, November 10, 2011
the death of the editor
Anyway, I read it, and pointed out a couple your/you're mistakes. The groom was glad to know, but the bride defiantly and vociferously insisted she didn't care, and that they would leave them there.
In contrast, at my wedding rehearsal, my father (aha, neon arrows, blaring sirens, root of issue) pointed out that I'd spelled complement 'compliment' in one of the readings, causing me to throw an f bomb into the shocked silence of the church. Yes, my grammar pedantry was nursed at the knee of a Virgo father, and then I became and English teacher who corrects essays for a living. I really did care, and it was too late to change it. In fairness, it was a stressful time, for more than the obvious reasons. Still. I would have cared anyway.
My name is Vida, and I am a compulsive corrector of typos. I got into trouble last night, for pointing one out to a writer, ironically thinking I was doing something good. For some reason, it's taken me til now to really understand that people don't want attention drawn to their grammatical and typography errors. Most would rather not know. They don't care. I think it's finally sunk in - I hope so. I've been accused of perfectionism, though if only they knew how much the opposite is true, what a hopeless, helpless, floundering quitter I really am. It's not perfectionism that makes me care about accuracy in stories (and god knows my dashed off blog posts are full of hideous typos and weird Freudian spelling issues), it's just that the errors stand out in flashing red to me. Like that, but flashing.
The irony is that I offer my proof reading up in the hopes that people will like me for it. Have a cookie, let me proof your story, love me, please. Funny, eh? My super powers are not so impressive. Well, the cookies are good, but the power to spot missed apostrophes and tell you about them, not so hot.
Still. That aside, there's a serious point to be made in all this. There is much to be read about how e publishing is the future, and one of the concerns about that is that editing will become obsolete. It's cheaper for the publisher to have the author organise that themselves. And who can afford it, really? A friend who works for a financial paper says everything she writes is checked by three people other than herself. As far as I'm concerned, this makes sense. I don't believe you can really see your own mistakes, your brain won't let you. No flashing red in my own work. I know it's a big challenge for me, and I'm the typo queen. They still just don't stand out. It's clearly happening already - I've yet to read an ebook that doesn't have several typos in it.
But maybe a lot of people don't care at all? Ebooks are cheap, so quality is sacrificed, and that's ok? It's not for me - each typo or mistake I hit (or even each word I see that could be replaced with a better one) is like a huge speed bump in the road - it jolts me out of the story every time. I think reading should be a smooth process, whereby the words slide directly into your consciousness - that experience shouldn't be derailed by little mistakes. But maybe it's not for most people? I'm the grammar pedant English teacher here, maybe I'm just unable to read as a reader anymore, I can't put down the red pen.
So I'm undecided. I feel that quality and editing should be vital parts of the publishing experience. I have one writer friend who rejects the idea that they should have to format stories or proof read. After all, what are editors for if not to edit? I pretty much agree, and I think it's sad that this is where money is being saved. On the other hand, maybe I'm part of a small uptight minority, and most people just aren't bothered anymore.
Posted by Vida at 1:01 PM 3 comments
Monday, November 7, 2011
the hollow in your chest
Posted by Vida at 7:47 AM 0 comments
Friday, October 28, 2011
And I wonder how I could warm it up...
Bahhaha, I went looking for thermal undies, but this is funnier. On various levels nobody much will understand ;)
Posted by Vida at 6:16 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, October 4, 2011
rough and soothe
I don't like it freshly, perfectly smooth, so much. It unsettles me, somehow, a slip-soft cheek against my lips, a silken jaw.
I'd much rather some bristle, some scrape and rasp and texture. Some biteable contrast for my teeth to try and catch, the velcro click, the matchstick strike and flare, the promise of soreness against my thighs. Leave the softness for my lips to find when they reach your mouth, an oasis, a respite.
The blood in my wrists itches, to be scratched slowly along the sandpaper of your face til they reach your wet mouth, and you bless them, kiss the burn beneath my thin skin better. Scratch and soothe and set alight.
Posted by Vida at 4:06 PM 4 comments
Saturday, September 24, 2011
Intense Sensations
Vanessa at intensesensations has so very kindly awarded me a shiny green award! Generous in the face of my blog-neglect of late, especially.
Rather than nominate 15 people (because that's a lot of work, meme-dudes) I'll refer you to Vanessa's varied and versatile review blog. Her reviews are a delight, her subject matter a wonderful blend of literary and erotic texts. Have I put her on my blog roll yet? If not, it's only down to the laziness and neglect, not any other reason. Thanks Vanessa!
Here are some Vida facts for you to say 'hmmmm' about:
1. Vida may or may not have used her pseudonym as part of one of her children's names...
2. Vida recently went through a rollercoaster of elation and crushing disappointment when she discovered Daim cake in her local supermarket, only to find it was a special promotion, and everyone had bought it up by the time she went back for more.
3. Vida
4. Vida thoroughly expects rejection from every market she submits to, and lives in fear of the day she starts anticipating success and gets crushed. I think I may have been overconfident about one*
5. Vida doesn't write much. Lack of discipline, tiredness, distractions in the form of internet entertainment, tiredness, dullness of thought. When the inspiration comes, it's great, but ... it's rare.
6. Vida loves the thought process of idea-formulation. Where do they come from? I love how they grow as if implanted, seed-like, by the unseen hands of a celestial gardener with a trepanning-trowel.
7. Vida suspects it would all be much, much better if she could have 9 hours sleep a night.
Posted by Vida at 4:02 PM 1 comments
Bound By Lust!
It's getting warmer... warmer and closer and realer....
Bound by Lust is available for pre order now!
My story in this pretty pretty book is called Slave Sister and it's inspired by the idea of sharing and caring. It's also the story I have written that is most inspired by 'sexy things I have seen on the internet. See? The hours of 'research' paid off :)
I was worried it's a bit porny, but it's tender too.
I can't wait to get my paws on this book.*
*I just wrote 'I can't wet'. Freudian.
Posted by Vida at 3:45 PM 0 comments
Labels: anticipating, Bound by lust, Shanna Germain
Wednesday, September 7, 2011
Steamlust Trailer
Steamlust - an animated film from NikkiMagennis on Vimeo.
Nikki Magennis is a goddess.
Posted by Vida at 8:59 AM 6 comments
Friday, September 2, 2011
Bound By Lust!
I just got a beautiful mail from Shanna Germain, she of the sparkly new website. The news is that her meticulously selected collection of romantic bondage stories has made Cleis very happy, and they've chosen them all, and best of all, I'm in it too! By the skin of my panties, and very gratefully-pantied I am too.
Because, ooo, look at the lineup:
Under the Clock Justine Elyot
Brush Strokes Kristina Wright
Marcelle Alana Noël Voth
Posted by Vida at 12:57 PM 4 comments
Labels: Bound by lust, Cleis, Shanna Germain
Sunday, August 28, 2011
Saturday, August 27, 2011
Beneath Sea and Sky
Oh, such a treat. I just read Shanna's recent ebook, soon to be on kindle too, the very beautiful and inspirational 'Beneath Sea and Sky'. Six tales of magic and longing that are the best thing I've read of hers yet. As always, her characters and language are heart stopping, heart in your mouth beating, painful and beautiful to read. Her ideas and settings are so sharp and clear, and as usual she doesn't stray from the difficult, the blood and gristle, she embraces it and makes it sing.
The standouts for me are Heatsong, an evocative vampire story, Hands of Time, that speaks to me of breaking marriage so clearly I could weep, and the closing The Princess of Silk and Pain, a fairy tale rewrite that is a tour de force.
Get it! It's a fantastically good collection. The only downside is how it leaves you wondering why you'd bother trying to write anything ever again after reading it...
Posted by Vida at 3:37 PM 1 comments
Labels: bdsm, Beneath Sea and Sky, erotica. myths and fairytales, gay, hetero, retellings, review, Shanna Germain, spec fic, straight, time travel
Monday, August 8, 2011
Posted by Vida at 11:12 AM 0 comments
Saturday, July 30, 2011
Back soon, when I actually have something to say.
Posted by Vida at 2:23 AM 3 comments
Wednesday, July 13, 2011
uninformed judgement
Rachel KB wrote this piece about the blanket judgement of bdsm practitioners that happens so regularly. IT reminded me of a train of thought I'd had while loading shopping into the car the other day.
When your friend tells you they're going to take up running, with a view to completing a marathon, chances are you'll be impressed and supportive. Well, you may think they're crazy and that you would never do that, but you would still think they're impressive. As people get obsessive about their running, and talk about how they are addicted to the endorphin high and can't handle their daily stresses as well without it, we continue to think it's great.
We don't think they're crazy for suffering through the lung burn and muscle spasms and knee damage and all the rest, to get to their goals of endorphin highs and fitness and competition.
Chances are a lot of people who like their sex a little rough don't suffer half as much physically as your average runner. But people are appalled at the thought. And feel free to comment derogatorily about people who enjoy denigration. Ironic!
I do think that fetishes are born out of unmet needs. I suspect that it's even possible to unwrite those fetishes, with a lot of work. However, I don't know that the onus is on kinky people to do that at all. Or that it's necessarily the right thing to do. I'm all for being self aware, but bdsm sex seems to award people such a huge amount of fun and satisfaction. If your fetish doesn't do anyone else any harm and you get something good out of it then... well, I wince more at people in knee bandages running on concrete than I might do at a little creative filthiness.
Posted by Vida at 11:54 AM 2 comments
Monday, July 11, 2011
Female toplessness is legal in a lot of places in the US (although not where I live), and I’d be meeting the letter of the law with a couple of Band-aids. But I have a gut feeling that if I go anywhere that there are people—and particularly anywhere there are children—nobody’s going to be too happy about my Band-aids. The enforcement is social; women just don’t go around topless in the US.
It bothers me because it’s unequal, but it also bothers me in its implications: that my body is inherently sexual, and a man’s body isn’t. It feels like men are being viewed through the first-person lens of “it’s nice to feel the sun on my skin, and I don’t mean anything by it” and women are being viewed through the distinctly third-person lens of “it’s inappropriate for me, a heterosexual man, to see her sexy parts.” It ignores the experiences of people who are turned on by male chests and somehow manage to contain themselves when they see one.
Posted by Vida at 2:39 PM 0 comments
Saturday, July 9, 2011
I had this book!
I think my sister gave it to me. It was excellent. Worth a read.
Posted by Vida at 10:28 AM 0 comments
Friday, July 8, 2011
I had a bruise on my wrist, initially prefectly four sided, from one of the links in my bracelet watch. Little rounded, black and cream art deco squares. Lined up with one, on the side of my wrist, a maroon shape that has spread and blurred, pressed against the bone. I didn't notice it happen, the metal forced against my skin.
On the back of my other hand, a long dark rectangle, half way down the fourth Metacarpal, intruding on the interplay of bone and vein. I do remember that one. Door handle. I'm so unbalanced, clumsy.
I wish they were yours, these marks. I wish you had given them to me. So I could run my fingers over their colour, press into the tenderness of them and know you'd been there. Feel your touch linger on me. My skin would be a diary, a calendar, mark the days since I was claimed. The change and shape of the memory of you would blur and spread and fade until I could feel it and see it no more. Until I was new again, and waiting.
Posted by Vida at 4:28 PM 2 comments
Thursday, July 7, 2011
Tuesday, July 5, 2011
Sunday, July 3, 2011
A Sommer freebie
Posted by Vida at 11:28 AM 0 comments
Thursday, June 30, 2011
a pleasant rejection
Well, it came this morning and it was such a good rejection! The story had been shortlisted and ultimately the balance was tipped for something a bit different, which takes any sting out of the whole thing.
I haven't subbed much, because I am writingly challenged and lazy, perhaps, so this is my first rejection - and as rejections go, I am incredibly happy about it! Kristina is a Thoughtful Editor, and very nice with it and I appreciate it a lot.
Posted by Vida at 10:29 AM 1 comments
Monday, June 27, 2011
Saturday, June 25, 2011
I think it's good to be aware, better be aware than be one of those dullards who can't see beyond surface significance.
But this looks like fun, nudity needs to be more everyday, I think, and I want to know if they got chased away before they finished the pose. :)
Posted by Vida at 1:53 AM 4 comments
Wednesday, June 22, 2011
Friday, June 17, 2011
All these variations on the original are funny, I like the Keep Calm And Eat A Cupcake one too.
The whole Daddy thing used to so not be for me, it just made me squirm, being the pschologically attuned little writer that I am. A little too aware of my own issues to be comfortable with this one.
And yet... as the days go by and life spins further out of control, god help me, the idea is gaining attraction.
Posted by Vida at 4:03 AM 0 comments
Sunday, June 12, 2011
It's so good. What beauty we have at our disposal.
Soon the crumble aroma will start to float out of the oven and fill the house too, juicy fruit and crisp, spicy sugary topping. I'll whip cream. And we'll chase this rainy day away.
I'll come back with a photo in a bit
Posted by Vida at 9:04 AM 2 comments
Thursday, June 9, 2011
This picture made me think of a story, today, one I wrote and submitted but is hanging in anthology limbo. I didn't get a rejection, but the antho is on hold, I guess... a sad little situation for the book and my story, really. It's about a chase and a hunt and some sex while tied to a tree... hmm, maybe I've said too much.
I didn't realise it at the time, but the flogger that's in the story, most probably looks just like this one. All dark red and pretty.
It's one of those stories where I'm describing things I actually have no idea about - I just sent it to someone who does, to read, and that makes me feel all squirmy. It's hard to explain. I'm not going to, it's hardly appropriate here :)
But god bless my imagination, let's hope it doesn't get me humiliated this time.
I hope that story gets to see the light of day soon, though, I like it. I like the photo too. Is it the shoes? The toy? Her ass? All of the above, I suppose, and her hair and shoulders too.
Posted by Vida at 4:13 PM 2 comments
Labels: pretty flogger
Tuesday, June 7, 2011
Thursday, June 2, 2011
Saturday, May 21, 2011
dressing gowns
For some reason I keep writing women in dressing gowns. Silk ones. I don't quite know why. There must be a robe in there somewhere. We don't really say robe here, but dressing gown always sounds so old-mannish or little boy at boarding school. And I'm going for something far more silky and sensual than that.
What's the right word?
Posted by Vida at 2:05 PM 2 comments
Friday, May 20, 2011
Friday, May 13, 2011
Now, um. I have to confess I don't know anything about coming like this, sadly. I'm for it, as you can imagine, but I don't know... doesn't the guy seem a little ... Christian about it? A little messianic? A bit of a G-sus, if you will...
Leader Leader Leader Leader, Leader!
Maybe it's just that he's got Kool-Aid, too...
Posted by Vida at 1:38 PM 2 comments
Labels: I can't tell you how happy I was when that G-sus joke popped into my head...
Sunday, May 8, 2011
Tuesday, May 3, 2011
And the fact that I'm in the lineup! I can't wait to see who else is, and I'm so happy to be there. I think this will be a fun one. I nearly threw in the towel on this story, and I'm so glad I persevered, and learned a lesson about just doing it. It won't always work, but it paid off this time.
Steampunk, it's so pretty, I lived in a world of coppery, vibrant colour and great boots for a couple weeks, writing this. My story's called Undergrounded: Hannah Hawthorne and the Stranded Time Ship. And you can pre-order your copy here!
Posted by Vida at 1:31 PM 7 comments
Labels: Kristina Wright, Steamlust, steampunk
Sunday, May 1, 2011
Monday, April 25, 2011
Wednesday, April 20, 2011
Posted by Vida at 1:53 PM 4 comments
Saturday, April 16, 2011
When the shark bites, when the bee stings...
Favourite guilty pleasure, srsly. Though I don't even feel guilty. He's so endearing and entertaining.
I mean, come on:
Even though I know it's most likely impossible for you to be my calculus teacher, I can no longer look at him the same way again......You guys are sooooo similar, it's uncanny.....But hey, now I go to class everyday. I pay close attention to his lips when he talk (mostly because I want them alll over me now) and watch his fingers when he points......So....being slightly obsessed with you is helping me pass calculus......
And then there was the post by his friend, who said that his readers only know the naughty bits, they don't know how he gives her hugs and kisses her on the forehead each time they meet.
All the expert cunnilingus sounds great, like, but I have to say at this point in my life, the thing I keep coming back to is the idea of getting kissed on the forehead.
You're safe, M, about 5 people read this blog, so no more fame explosion will befall you. But thank you for the cheer you bring to my day.
Posted by Vida at 4:16 AM 0 comments
Thursday, April 14, 2011
Tuesday, April 12, 2011
hot fuck sunday
Kristina's writing romance with a gangbang. Sigh. I tend to fall into this pit of sappiness I don't necessarily want to explore when I try and write romance. Then I struggle out of the Happy Ever After ending dripping with the syrup of it and desperately trying to wipe myself clean.
But worse than that is that when I'm confronted with the idea of having to write a story without a theme or title, I am met with a terrible blankness. 'What I did on my Summer Holidays', anyone? I'd better go stick a fork in the ass of my imagination. Er, not in its ass. I don't think that's quite what romance is about. This could be why I'm more comfortable with erotica :)
Posted by Vida at 2:02 PM 0 comments
Thursday, April 7, 2011
Friday, April 1, 2011
Posted by Vida at 3:19 AM 2 comments
Labels: Emanuelle, erotic nostalgia, vajazzling
Thursday, March 31, 2011
'What?' she whispers, as I tip her face up to kiss her. Her lips are soft and her face is warm. I take the end of the scarf and finish winding it around her neck, wondering if I flicked it in the other direction would she spin like a top until I'd unwrapped her.
'You know what.' She shakes her head, fluffing her hair out over the scarf, peeping in the mirror, picking up her hat. I nod, deliberately.
'You think I look cute.' I nod. 'You like me.' I nod again, and smile. And wait. 'You love me and I make your heart glad.' I take her face in my hands and I kiss her again, stroke her face.
'And you're beautiful.' She goes the sweetest shade of pink, and the happiness in her smile is more reward than I could ask for.
When she comes back, her cheeks will be flushed from walking in the cold, her nose will be red and I'll unwrap her then, the gloves, the hat, the loops of gold and turquiose scarf that her eyes and hair glow against. The winter coat. It's just her nose that will be cold, I know, the rest of her will be hot from walking all bundled up, and from coming home to me.
Posted by Vida at 2:24 PM 3 comments
Labels: schhhhhmmmmaltz
Tuesday, March 29, 2011
When did you find your clitoris?
Succinct little statement there.
I was 14. Must have been ignited with intuitive drive as it was after watching Young Guns. Or was it Young Guns 2? Either way. The heat! Like a flash fire, or whatever the expression is. We don't have that sort of extreme weather event here. We certainly didn't then either, as no one else found it for years, and I wasn't able to point them to it, somehow.
'Where do you like to be touched?'
'Um, here?'
'That's a funny place.'
Bless him.
'Do you frig yourself?'
Me: Well (debates teaching three drunk boys in a dark garden about female masturbation, at age 15), yes.
Best friend: No.
Yeah, right, Vicki.
And yay for the big colouring book of vulvas. It should be in schools.
Posted by Vida at 8:37 AM 1 comments
Labels: female masturbation, sex education
Saturday, March 26, 2011
Hot Fuck Sundae!
When I first saw this picture, what attracted me was the Adam and Eve nature of it. But then I thought, no, that's actually Adam and Steve, isn't it? Either way, cute ass creases :)
Here's a sweet site: Happy Naked People - if it was mine, I wouldn't be able to resist adding captions - 'he's happy because he can lift his bike over his head'.
Posted by Vida at 5:07 PM 0 comments
Monday, March 21, 2011
pet peeve
For fuck's sake. That's not a big colouring book of vaginas. No. As I might have said before, it's a big colouring book of vulvas. VULVAS. Shout it out loud. Why does this annoy me so much? I suppose it's because people manage not to get confused between the words for testicles and penis. Or maybe because the world at large is still completely ignorant about female anatomy and they don't care about what a clitoris is, or how it works. No, it's all about the vagina, and basic male pleasure, and reproduction. Vulva? Huh? Bah!
Aside from that little ranty rant, it's a worthy project, or at least seems so from the sweet reviews I browsed through at the start. I love the idea of women sitting at home, happily colouring in vulvas in a book their partner bought them.
Posted by Vida at 3:15 AM 0 comments
Labels: definitions, raar, vaginas, vulvas
Saturday, March 19, 2011
She's drifting, so used, so wet, focused on air, and trying to keep a seal and follow the rhythm she can't set anymore. Her knees spread wider and the pulse pounds in her pussy. The pain in her scalp burns warm, the sound of his breath sings to her.
The dance continues, while she pretends she's giving and he pretends he's taking and the world shrinks to just that one high ceilinged room.
Posted by Vida at 8:20 AM 6 comments
Thursday, March 10, 2011
Saturday, February 26, 2011
A dark and dirty muffin lament

Oh, my poor muffin
A creamy fillin'
From some custardy villain
With plenty to spare
It's so unfulfillin'
To be unfilled but willin'
The future holds nuffin'
No hope for my muffin
Just stale despair.
Posted by Vida at 2:33 PM 2 comments
Wednesday, February 2, 2011
Messing It Up, a not quite date rape story
There was this one thing, though, that I didn’t quite know how to term at the time. Well, I did, really, but I suppose I wasn’t assertive enough to. Well, I was and I wasn’t, but there was a lot of classic self doubt involved.
My best friend’s brother was in his early twenties, I think, when we were in our teens. He was older, cooler, funny, irreverent. She was just starting to get on with him on a more adult basis, I think. He was full of jokes and stories and attitude, and I liked him. One day I was alone with him in her house and he kissed me, and I was totally buzzed by the attention and the fact that he was attracted to me. I was maybe 15 by then. Maybe a little younger.
I think I probably gave him the odd knowing glance, after that, flirted a little, made him uncomfortable at the non alcoholic church discos we went to by asking him to dance, in public.
I don’t think anything else happened until one morning, when my friend had gone off somewhere, leaving me asleep in her room, and David appeared and got into bed with me. He got on top of me, and kissed me and rubbed himself against me. I protested, cheerfully, said, David, stop, I don’t want to do this, I have a boyfriend!
And he said, so?, and rubbed a little more, but then got up and went away. And then I realised my legs were wet, and could tell by the pungent and alarming smell of spunk that he’d come on me.
That was a little freaky. I told my friend about it at some point, and she was upset, apologetic, angry with him. I don’t know if she ever said anything to him.
Then a year or so later, I was at her house, for her birthday, and didn’t make it to the last bus. He offered to bring me home, and I didn’t want him to, but didn’t have much choice. I can remember asking my friend to come to, and she said no, so what could I do?
He drove up to the top of their lane, pulled the car over and kissed me. And I didn’t say, no, stop, take me home, please. I suppose I was happy enough for the attention, the little bit of affection, hey, even the pleasure of having someone to touch and be touched by for a little while. So I asked him to take me for a drink for a bit of Dutch courage, and he did, in a manky, old man pub in Kilcoole. Then he drove me closer to where I lived, turned down the quiet little dark lane by the church (Church Lane, that is) and we got a bit naked. Which was ok with me. And then he got on top of me, and started trying to penetrate me.
Which wasn’t ok with me. I was still sixteen at this stage, I’m fairly sure, I’d only slept with my one boyfriend, and wasn’t ready to start having casual actual sex just yet. I turned that corner fairly soon after, but hadn’t yet. I told David this, but he kept on trying. ‘I can’t get it in’, he gasped, pushing hard against me.
‘That’s because I’m trying really hard to keep you out,’ I explained, clenching my pc muscles together in a sterling effort to keep myself unpenetrated by his distinctly un-condom covered cock.
At that he relaxed his efforts, and gave up.
And, what did I do? Well, I gave him a blow job. Yeah. I kind of wish I hadn’t now, especially as afterwards, the premature ejaculating bastard rolled over and smeared his come all over my stomach and crotch, so that when I went home, I once again realised my underwear was damp with semen, scrubbed myself clean in fear and spent however many days ‘til my next period terrified I might have experienced an immaculate conception.
Before that realisation, however, he drove me home and as we sat outside the house in the car, my father walked inside after looking piercingly into the car.
‘There’s your dad,’ said David.
‘Yes,’ I agreed, ‘and you know what he’d do to you.’ David laughed and nodded ruefully.
‘David,’ I said, ‘what do you call it when you have try to have sex with someone you know doesn’t want to?’
‘I know, I know,’ he interrupted me.
‘No, really, what do you call it?’
‘Rape,’ he offered, with a sigh, and I’m glad I made him say it, proud of myself for getting the point across, even in the confusion and blame of myself for being accessory to it, for not saying no, for getting him to buy me a drink, for wanting a little intimacy, just not the whole thing, not the actual sex-sex, just a little bit of sex and closeness.
And then I went in and found myself doused in his semen, and felt dirtied by the hostile act of his smearing it on me, wiping himself off on me, as what, punishment for not letting him fuck me? I don’t really know, I didn’t understand about that sort of gesture then, but I know it was aggressive, and soiling, and that the fear of an unwanted teenage pregnancy rested solely on my shoulders for a little while.
I made another mistake and told my friend again, and this time she was angry with me, for encouraging him to have a drink while driving, and endangering him. She didn’t say she was angry with me for being a slut, for agreeing to fool around with him, for wanting something but not everything out of the encounter. She wasn’t sorry for not coming too when I’d asked her to, just annoyed with me for putting her brother in this situation and then calling date-rape-attempt I suppose. I think that was pretty much the end of our friendship, which had been so intense, and dwindled away after that. There was other stuff too, other mistakes, but I suspect that was the major one.
As far as bad experiences go, this one was mild, I suppose. I was ... lucky? A little more self esteem and self respect could have prevented it, too. He was really not very attractive. Skinny and spotty and prematurely balding. Just kind of charismatic. I saw on Facebook he got married recently. I wonder if he grew up and got better at it all. I wonder if I did.
Posted by Vida at 11:03 AM 0 comments
Labels: assertiveness, date rape, teenage sex
Monday, January 31, 2011
To revisit an older topic, who the hell is waxing their 8 year old daughters???
Found here, on a post about a song favoured by Danielle.
Posted by Vida at 1:11 PM 2 comments
Saturday, January 29, 2011
Eat Me for free this weekend
Free Smut for the discerning reader! Roll up!
Get yourselves to All Romance, and nab a free copy of Eat Me this weekend.
Why not?
Throw a wee review up afterwards if you feel moved to. I only have a teeny wee tidbit of a bon bon of an introduction in here, but you've got a classic Shanna Germaine story of sweet awakening, and a naughty little strap on vegetable romp from Shanna as well as lots of great others. Go for it!
Posted by Vida at 8:53 AM 0 comments
Labels: Alison Tyler, All Romance, Eat Me, free smut
Thursday, January 27, 2011
Holy Hot Fuck
How to knot a tie.
I don't know how to embed it! Maybe it only works on Tumblrs? Watch it! Now! NSFW!
Posted by Vida at 2:42 AM 0 comments
Saturday, January 22, 2011
'We're playing 'Secret Spanker!' my small son announced, as he bounced round the bed, giggling with his sister.
Is that a little like Secret Santa?
I see marketing potential. Perhaps there should be more spanking holidays.
**ugh, have to stop looking for a nice festive spanking pic on google, images is full of nasty pics of violence against children that totally harsh my buzz. Shudder.
Posted by Vida at 1:04 PM 0 comments
Thursday, January 13, 2011
I'm sure it's just me...
Posted by Vida at 3:43 AM 2 comments
Saturday, January 8, 2011
new bra!
'Tis purple.
While I was away a while ago, I had to go buy a new bra. Sainsury's drapery is a wonderland of clothes, and kids' dalek costumes (so sweet!) and nice underwear. Not like Tesco.
My sensible friend insisted I try it on and off I went, wondering why a man was standing buy his trolley, staring at me.
Then I realised I was striding through the supermarket purposefully, unbuttoning my coat while holding a pink embroidered black DD bra in front of me.
Posted by Vida at 2:36 AM 0 comments